4 Ways to Redefine Success That Aren’t Based on Productivity

redefine success

I have a confession: I have survived and graduated from my girlboss era. (I am ashamed to admit I even had one to begin with, but the first step to recovery is awareness, right?) When hustle culture had me at a chokehold, I thought success could only mean one thing: Working long hours and raking in the dough. I spent countless hours working overtime, quickly eating at my desk so I could continue to hammer away at Excel spreadsheets, and only getting satisfaction when my paycheck rolled into my bank account every other week. To be honest with you, I was so lost and depressed. I felt like my job title was the most interesting thing about me and let me tell you: I was dead wrong.

My breaking point was when it started to affect my mental health. I was having panic attacks and my self-esteem was the lowest it had ever been. I woke up one day and knew I had to pivot my lifestyle and by doing so, I had to shift my mindset, too. I started meditating, setting boundaries with myself, and I journaled. I journaled a lot. Within those pages, I found the answers to what my new (and happier) life would look like and how I wanted to view balanced, well-rounded success in and out of my 9-to-5.

If you’re feeling a similar way, take a page from my book and follow four ways I’ve redefined success:


No monetary value can equal the feeling of true happiness. To figure out what happiness looks like to you, I recommend journaling about the following two questions: 1) Am I happy currently? And 2) What does happiness look like? There lies your answer to how you can redefine success within your own happiness.


When was the last time you felt satisfied with your life? What were you doing at that time and who were you with? Fulfillment doesn’t have to be purely career or task driven, it can also be defined by what your life feels like in the smaller moments that comprise your day-to-day.


Growth is one of the most underrated priorities in life IMO. Maybe it’s just the Aries in me, but I’m always looking for new ways to evolve and improve—whether it be in my career, relationships, hobbies, or lifestyle. Defining growth as your north star to success allows you the freedom to try new things and progress—no matter where life takes you.


Last, but not least, my personal favorite way to redefine success. Relying on authenticity to drive your life will provide you all of the above: Happiness, fulfillment, and growth. You’ll feel the most successful you can possibly feel because you’re tapping into your highest, most genuine self.

Looking for more? Check out podcast episode with Lauren Braier, owner of Elby Creative, where we discussed how she has redefined what success looks like to her both in her personal life and in her business. Listen to it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!


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