11 Signs You Need to Change Creative Careers

girl working in creative career

One day you’re feeling discouraged or uninspired at work, the next you’re frantically googling things like “am I in the right career” or “how to decide whether to change careers.” Thankfully, 1) you’re not alone and 2) it’s very common to feel this way. On average, most people change their career about 5-7 times in their lives, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Even though it’s incredibly common, it’s still incredibly scary and I’m sure you have a lot of questions and concerns about taking a leap into something new. Let me unpack all that for ya.

But how late is too late for changing careers?

The good news is that it’s never too late to change your career. You’re never too late for your dreams and the journey to finding your soul’s purpose doesn’t have to be linear (and spoiler alert: most people’s career paths aren’t). However, certain circumstances may make it more challenging to make the switch. Time and money are usually top of mind when making a big switch like this. If you don’t have enough time or money at this exact moment, pace yourself and make smaller, achievable goals that help you work up to your next career path.

11 Signs You Need to Change Careers

If you’ve been experiencing the following thoughts or feelings, you may want to consider switching careers. Here’s how to decide whether to change careers. (And don’t forget to check out my latest podcast interview with Bela, a former full-time actress turned social media marketing manager, on how she transitioned careers. Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.)

1.       Your intuition is telling you something isn’t right

Your gut always knows, and if you’re already reading this list, there is probably a part inside of you that knows something isn’t right in your current career. But remember, anxiety and intuition are two very different things so make sure you determine which one is making you feel this way.

2.       Your body is alerting you that something is wrong

The body, mind and soul are much more connected than you would think. When your mind is stressed, overworked or unfulfilled, your body will start to be affected, too. Your health, both physical and mental, are worth way more than any job!

3.       You’re feeling unfulfilled at work

Unfulfillment is a slow burn, but once the candle is blown out, you’re DONE. Don’t let a career that’s bumming you out dull your shine.

4.       Money is the only thing keeping you there

Money truly doesn’t buy happiness…at least not for the long term. Your career choice needs to bring more to the table, other than cash, to keep you truly satisfied on the day to day (and not just pay day).

5.       You’re constantly running on empty

Reaching or nearing burnout is a major red flag when it comes to your career. No job is worth feeling worn down, undervalued and, most likely, underpaid for the amount of stress you’re under.

6.       The next career step doesn’t excite you

If the next rung on the corporate ladder fills you with dread, you may want to consider making the switch. You won’t be able to grow in the ways you would like if you stay. And if there’s no growth, you’ll most likely feel stagnant or bored in your role.

7.       It doesn’t fit your lifestyle

Whether it may be from a financial, work/life balance or stress perspective, if your career doesn’t align with how you want to live your life, see ya! (Filling your cup with these 15 things to do after work for creatives may keep you afloat until you can take that leap of faith.)

8.       The Sunday Scaries are constant, or they turn into the “Everyday Scaries”

It’s totally normal to feel the Sunday Scaries every now and again. It’s not normal, however, to feel them on a weekly, or even worse, daily basis. That’s what I call the “Everyday Scaries.” Living every day in constant fear of what the next day will bring isn’t living.

9.       You can’t stop thinking about another career

There’s a quote that goes something like, “If you can’t stop thinking about something, don’t stop working on it.” No matter if you’re too scared to pursue your dream career or you recently discovered a new passion, you shouldn’t ignore those daydreams.

10.       It is negatively affecting your entire life

Are you working late hours? Spending less time with friends and family and more time stressing or obsessing over work? Your career shouldn’t just be a means to an end, it should be enjoyable to some extent. After all, you spend 8 hours a day doing it.

11.   Your career doesn’t align with your authentic self

We’re talking morals, values and interests. If your career choice doesn’t feel authentic to you, it’s time to look elsewhere. No more ifs or ands about it.


Interested in pursuing your own path and trying out entrepreneurship? Check out the following content to decide if you should make the switch:


How to Make a Vision Board


My 7 Favorite Books on Intuition for Creatives