How to Find a Niche That Resonates with You

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Whenever I scroll on TikTok, I feel like I’m bombarded with the words “niche,” “how to niche down” or “here’s why you need to find your niche.”

I used to feel torn when I came across those videos. Why should I put myself in a box (especially as a multi-hyphenate creative)? How could I do everything I want, which is a lot since I’m an Aries, within a labeled constraint? But once I found out the real meaning of niche, it changed my viewpoint completely.

I found the beauty of choosing a niche and sticking to it, especially when creating content for this blog (and podcast)! I truly believe it’s kept me aligned with my purpose for The Intuitive Creative: To serve young creatives and help them step into their highest selves—in whatever way that looks like to them and their passions. Let me put you on this gamechanger.

What is a niche?

Simply put, a niche is how you, your project or your business stands out from the crowd. It can be your special skillset, how you position yourself within your industry or how you market yourself. One of the biggest misconceptions is that your niche must be extremely narrow. Narrow niches do work, and have a tendency of working well, but you can also make your niche yourself. Establishing yourself as your niche is especially helpful for influencers and content creators so they can fully connect with their audiences.

How to Niche Down

1.       Combine your interests

Let me let you in on a little secret: This is how I birthed the idea of The Intuitive Creative. I combined my passion of creativity and helping fellow creatives with my love of all things deep and spiritual. Think of two things you love and how you can mesh them together. Boom, there’s your niche.

2.       Focus on a specific target audience

Another way to niche down is by choosing a select target audience. Now it’s tempting to say everyone is your target audience, but that won’t set you up for success. Picking out a target audience, whether you’re looking to connect people with your pottery business or if you’re writing a song, helps get your work to the people who care and resonate with what you’re putting out into the world. You can find your people by narrowing down your target audience by location, age, industry, price and/or what problem you’re looking to help them with.

3.       Narrow your message

Say you want to be a fashion influencer, but you know that topic is super saturated online. How do you find your spot within the influencer world? By narrowing your message. Find something specific that still relates to your interests but refines it a bit. Maybe you decide to become a thrift fashion influencer or maybe you decide to specialize your influencing to headbands alone. Either way, you’re narrowing a broader topic into a smaller, more digestible niche that will really stand out to the people looking for that content.

4.       Cater to your current audience

Look to the numbers to help you find your niche! If you’re already creating content or running your business but struggling to find your community, look to the data. Check out how old your audience is, what they enjoy and what they dislike. Really get to know your people to help inspire a niche that suits them.

Check out my podcast episode with Camille Delaune, Louisiana-based film photographer, on how she learned how to niche down and connect with her community. Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!


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