How to Tap Into Your Own Creative Flow

flow state ballerina

Picture this with me: You’re working on one of your favorite passion projects and everything is coming together so seamlessly. Your ideas are flowing easily to you and your focus is on one thing and one thing only: Your craft.

Have you experienced this before?

If you said yes, congrats, you’ve experienced the magical wonders of creative flow. And if you have never experienced this or have trouble tapping into it, keep on reading. Flow state IS attainable for everyone. You just need to learn how to unlock it.

What is a flow state?

A “flow state” is where the mind, body and soul meet. It’s a feeling of pure focus—almost as if time has stopped completely. Endless creativity quite literally flows from your brain and heart to your creative medium. You’re completely “in the zone” and creating from a place of true authenticity. It’s truly almost meditative!

What are the benefits of working in a flow state?

1. Unlimited creativity

My best work has stemmed from creative flow. I don’t hold myself back on my ideas, I just do. It almost feels like a veil of self-judgement and critique washes away when I’m in a flow state. I even see and think differently and more deeply when In flow.

2. Clear mind

Tapping into creative flow emotionally and mentally regulates you. There hasn’t been one instance where I walked away from a flow that I didn’t leave with a clear mind and an open, happy heart. (And some amazing work, might I add.)

3. Feelings of pure bliss

There’s nothing like the happiness you feel when you’re at the height of flow. There’s nothing else in the world that matters than the task at hand.

4. Productivity

The one thing about working in flow is that you get shit done. I’ve had multiple flow sessions where I accidentally worked for over 2 hours and didn’t even notice it until my project was complete!

5. Motivation

When you couple meditative bliss and productivity together, you get the motivation to do it all over again. It feels like there’s nothing you can’t accomplish and see through to the end.

How to Tap Into Your Creative Flow

Creative flow only needs one thing to activate: You. Your mind, body and soul. Here are a few techniques to get out of your head and into flow:

1.       Discover your peak creativity and productivity times

After I discovered when I’m most productive and creative, it was OVER. I can show up as my best self and tap right into flow instantly whenever and wherever I want. For me, the first two hours after I wake up and the last two before I go to bed are my most creative. Test out different times of day for you and see which one resonates the most.

2.       Remove distractions

Phone down, flow state on. Throw on do not disturb and get to work. If you live in a noisy area like me, throw on some noise-cancelling headphones. Sometimes I do this without music on!

3.       Practice meditation

Do I sound like a broken record yet? Meditation really is at the heart of tapping into your creativity, intuition and flow. Even just a few meditative minutes a day can help speed up your flow practice.

4.       Work on something you love

While it may seem simple, it really does make the biggest difference. It’s easy to get lost in something you love.

Want to learn more about the mind, body and soul connection? Check out my podcast episode with Mimi Stiles, certified personal trainer, spiritual life coach and reiki healer. Listen here on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!


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