This Astrological Placement Can Determine Your Career—Here’s How to Find It

It’s the age-old question: What do you want to be when you “grow up?”

It’s a question that inspires (or haunts) most of us. If you’re questioning or wondering whether or not you’re on the right path, well do I have news for you. You can look to the stars to find out! Here’s how to find your midheaven, one of the career placements in your chart, in just a few easy steps.

What is my midheaven?

Your midheaven, or MC, is the 10th house of your chart which is the area that rules career, reputation and long-term goals. (Now that’s some deep stuff).

This placement is also often used to determine what your destined career path could look like, but that isn’t the end-all, be-all of this placement. Your MC can also determine what large aspirations you’ll achieve (which may or may not be related to your career), your passions, how you impact your community, how you express yourself and how you feel the most fulfilled in life.

You can find more information on how your birth chart can determine your career and creativity on my podcast with professional astrologer Lauren Westmoreland. Listen to it on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

How to find your midheaven

To find your midheaven, you’ll need your birth chart. Pop over to a birth chart generator, like this one, so you can get yours. You’ll need your birth date, birth time and birth city so make sure you have those on hand. (Make sure these are all exact because even the slightest deviation will alter your chart!)

Once you’ve got your hands on your birth chart, you’ll want to locate the “MC” in your chart—which is always at the very top of your chart. Many birth chart websites will also list it, along with your other placements, in list form if you’d rather find it that way.

Interpreting your midheaven

Once you know what sign your midheaven is, use this quick cheat sheet to interpret your midheaven (and find out which career you’re best suited for)!

Aries Midheaven

If your midheaven is Aries, you love a good challenge (but you probably already knew that). You thrive in situations where there is growth, independence and intensity. You don’t let anyone stop you from tackling what you want to achieve in life. Aries MCs are often in self-starting careers like entrepreneurship, athletics or law.

Taurus Midheaven

Taurus MCs prefer stability and beauty in their lives. They can also be very creative. If you’re a Taurus MC, you should consider a career in music, art or any creative career that allows you to live comfortably, both in the financial sense and with work/life balance. Your motto is work to live, not live to work.

Gemini Midheaven

Communication is at the heart of everything a Gemini MC pursues. They’re passionate and can get bored easily focusing on just one thing—they want to do it all! Gemini MCs are coined as the “messengers” meaning they love to spread and share their ideas with their community. They make excellent writers, marketers, infleuncers and freelancers.

P.S. If you’re a Gemini midheaven, we’re twins! I also have my MC in Gemini. 😊 You can check out the live breakdown of my chart on my astrology podcast episode! Listen here on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Cancer Midheaven

Cancer MCs rely on emotion, rather than logic, in life. They are very empathetic, kind and warm souls who feel that their greater purpose is caring for others. Therapist, nurse and teacher are just a few of the many careers they excel at. Similar to Taurus MCs, they’re very drawn to creative careers as well so they can tap into their intuitive, sensitive side.

Leo Midheaven

We all know the stereotype that Leos love to bask in the spotlight and that stereotype is most certainly true when it comes to their MC. They don’t like to hide in the shadows, they want their life to be put on display (and we love that about them). Leo MCs are often seen in very public positions—in both their personal and professional lives. Professionally, they go after careers like politics, performing arts and sales.

Virgo Midheaven

Quite literally the opposite of Cancer MCs, Virgo MCs often lean on logic in their lives. They enjoy analyzing and problem-solving their way through life. They’re extremely detail-orientated and organized making them the perfect fit for healthcare or service-based careers.

Libra Midheaven

Libra MCs are all about justice and balance with the people around them. Personally, they enjoy living a peaceful life of solitude and harmony. These themes also carry over into their professional life as well. HR, law and diplomacy are fields they often find themselves in.

Scorpio Midheaven

Thrill-seeking Scorpios want a little edge in life. They love risk-taking, mystery and going against the status quo. Scorpio MCs are happiest when they are pursuing investigative work like journalism or becoming a detective, but they also make great psychologists and therapists since they like to dig deeper than what’s on the surface.

Sagittarius Midheaven

Sagittarius MCs thrive when they’re able to adventure and experience total freedom. They steer away from routine and prefer each day to be different than the last. They’re the definition of a free spirit. Sagittarius MCs: You should pursue a career in travel/tourism, international business or public speaking.

Capricorn Midheaven

The “C” in “Capricorn” stands for CEO. Capricorn MCs value hard work, determination and grit. They’re extremely driven and can be seen as intimidating to their colleagues. They make excellent business owners, property owners, managers and, you guessed it, CEOs.

Aquarius Midheaven

Aquarius MCs are naturally free thinkers and tend to leave a mark on the world with their unique perspectives and ideas. They can be perceived as quirky, artsy and intelligent in their communities. They’re often drawn to unconventional roles like astronomy, astrology, entrepreneurship and creative careers.

Pisces Midheaven

Artistic, romantic, psychic and intuitive are just a few ways to describe Pisces MCs. They’re endlessly coming up with new and imaginative ideas. They’re often in creative careers like literature or film or healing professions like massage therapy or herbalism.


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