What Is Intuition?

woman holding heart listening to intuition

Ah, intuition. A powerful tool that I wish everyone listened to. So many people lean solely into data and facts, and while yes, these things are necessary, but the power of intuition is just as critical in decision making. Incorporating intuition can help you gauge whether you’re making the right decision for you without any filter from societal expectations, social obligations or external opinions (especially the unwanted ones). It proudly asks, “Does this feel right to me?” and ignores the “shoulds” and “have tos.”

What is intuition?

I think of my intuition as my inner knowing or my gut feeling. It can almost come off as a “sixth sense” type of feeling (I see dead people, anyone? If you know, you know). Others can interpret their intuition as a hunch, a sign from the universe and some believe it to be a higher power outside of themselves. No matter what it is to you, its power is undeniable.

Following your intuition can help you in a multitude of ways—from your relationships to your latest creative projects. Listening to that inner voice can guide you through hardship, bring you success and help you live a life that’s authentic to YOU and YOU only. But enough chit-chat, let me guide you through how to unlock your own.

What does following your intuition look like?

It can look like a gentle whisper of “go on, give it a shot” or a loud shout of “HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?” And sometimes it can be as simple as whether or not something feels right or wrong. I’ve experienced all ends of the spectrum.

One of my most fond instances of following my gut was deciding whether I should move out of state to a new city to work at my current company. Let me paint the picture: I was 23 and feeling completely lost in a city that I felt like I didn’t fit in and in a job that just wasn’t the right fit. Enter my dream job interview. I left feeling calm and reenergized, which was a surprise after feeling nothing but anxiety and stress after interviews at other companies. I just knew in my gut it was right. My mind was clear, and I just felt like our interview flowed so naturally.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I was going in to my first day of work where I knew no one. I even signed an apartment lease that night because everything felt so right (and let me tell you, I’m not quick to make rash decisions. Heck, I’m the person that can’t decide when it’s time to order food at a restaurant). But like finding a dream wedding dress, you just know when you know…you know? And this gentle “knowing” pivoted my life for the better in just a matter of seconds.

So, how do I get in touch with my own intuition?

Getting in the flow of following your own intuition can be a long, windy process, but these steps have helped me notice and acknowledge the power of my intuition firsthand.

  1. Take a few moments to quiet your mind every day

    Quieting your mind can look like meditation, taking a walk (preferably in nature), getting some exercise in or focusing on a “flow-like” creative activity like drawing, painting, writing or playing an instrument. Declutter your brain to leave space for mindful revelations. It may sound simple, but most life-changing habits are.

  2. Incorporate journaling into your daily routine

    Whether you’re trying to unlock your intuition or not, I 1000% recommend setting aside a few moments in your day to journal. Journaling has become an integral part of my day and helps me organize and gain insight on my thoughts. It’ll help you understand yourself better and gain consciousness of your thought processes and feelings. If you’re not a big journaler, try using journal prompts or questions to help guide you.

  3. Be present

    Allowing yourself to live and think in the moment allows you to become more aware of your thoughts. Being present can be as simple as using a grounding technique to pull you back to this very moment. Staying in the present also allows creative ideas to flow to you without any push.

  4. Read up on intuition (or listen)

    Knowledge is the key to success, right? Grab a book on intuition, seek out a new podcast (like the intuitive creative podcast, cough cough) or watch a documentary on intuition to understand it even deeper.

  5. Trust your inner voice

    The more you see how this inner voice helps you, the more you’ll be able to follow it in the future. Trust it and know that it always has the best intentions for you.


How to Manifest