How to Manifest

Manifestation, y’all. Where do I begin? I’ve been actively practicing manifestation ever since I was 15 after my mom handed me the ever-popular book, The Secret. (One of my favorite books on intuition for creatives.) After I read it, I was like wait…so I can get everything I want? Hell. Yeah. And, being a 15-year-old and all, I went straight to my journal to manifest…a boyfriend. Lame, I know. But hey, I was 15! I wrote down everything about him that I was looking for, from his personality to what our relationship would be like. And after 3 years, I met him. My current partner. From the moment we met, I knew it was the one my silly little 15-year-old self wrote about…all down to his bright blue eyes and love of guitar.

But that was just the beginning of my manifestation journey. Ever since then, I’ve manifested many more things, especially when it comes to my career as a creative. In college, I manifested a 6-month long internship where I got paid to travel. After, I manifested a creative career in the media industry in a city that fits my lifestyle (and the most eerie thing about this one, was the fact I wrote down that we’d refer to our team as the “dream team” and even that came into fruition). And most recently, I manifested getting my dream job.

Some may say it’s coincidence, but I really do believe manifestation helped me achieve these lofty goals of mine. All of these experiences were once just a figment of my imagination written on a piece of paper or photos spread across a vision board. But with enough time, patience, action, affirmations, and hope, they become reality.

(Oh, and don’t get me started on the many other things I’ve manifested into my life. Like traveling to Paris, my current dream apartment, my car, the people I’ve met and…well, the list could go on and on. But I’ll save those stories for another day.)

So, what is manifestation?

Simply put, manifestation is the power to bring your dreams into reality. You can achieve this by doing a variety of journaling, visualization and/or affirmation work PLUS action. Manifestation is basically goal setting with a hint of magic.

How does manifestation work?

Manifestation all boils down to mindset. Once your mindset shifts, your confidence shifts. Once your confidence shifts, your desire for action increases. Once you start putting in action and work, you’ll always be closer to your wildest dreams and desires. Or it all could just boil down to magic. (Never say never, right?) Who truly knows at the end of the day. All I know, is that it WORKS. Once you put energy out into the world, that energy always comes back to you.

Can I manifest anything I want?

Yep, pretty much anything! As long as it doesn’t get in the way of someone’s free will. (For example, you can’t force someone to hire you for a specific job, but you can manifest your dream career. And if you’re lucky they’re the same thing!)

And if you aren’t seeing your manifestations coming true, that could boil down to two reasons: 1) It’s not the right timing or 2) It’s not meant for you and there’s something even better coming your way. Have hope, stay patient and trust in the universe that the right things will align for you in your life.

How to Manifest

I recommend choosing a manifestation method that aligns with how you usually create or learn. For example, if you’re a visual learner or an artist, try a vision board or visualization. Or if you’re an audio learner, podcaster or musician, record your manifestations and listen to them on your daily walk. If you’re a hands-on learner or writer, try using the 369 method or writing out your manifestations in a journal.

No matter which method you choose, you’ll want to make sure you’re sparking an emotional response, you’re clear with what you want and that you really do believe you already have what you’re manifesting. Because if it’s something you’re “wishing” or “wanting” to have, it’ll always remain there. If you act like you already have it, it’ll come to you. But before it does, make sure you’re also grateful for what you already have.

Here’s a rundown on each type:

  1. Visualization: Visualize what you want. This can be done through a vision board (see below) or simply visualizing yourself getting the things you want and feeling what it’ll feel like once you achieve that goal.

  2. Vision Board: One of my favorite manifestation tools. You can make one either physically or digitally. Physically, you can cut pictures out of magazines or print photos from your computer and create a collage. Or you can make a collage-like vision board on your laptop, phone or tablet. One of my favorite ways to make one is through Canva. Then, place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it every day, like as a phone lockscreen or at your desk.

  3. Journaling: Open journal however you like! I find the most success by first writing a gratitude list and then writing out a manifestation list. Showing gratitude for what you already have is essential for manifestation.

  4. 369 Method: The 369 method is a popular journaling manifestation method. For this one, you’ll write down your manifestations 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times in the evening on one singular day.

  5. Affirmations: This method is great for beginners or as a supplement to the other manifestation methods listed above. Say them out loud, in your head or write them down.  I had Hayley Holmes, a manifestation expert and Creative Marketing Manager, on the podcast and she gave us these smart affirmation ideas. Choose whichever one resonates with you:

    • “I don’t chase, I attract. What is meant for me will simply find me.”

    • “A sparkling river of wealth flows constantly through my life.”

    • “Everything I desire comes my way.”

    • “My thoughts become my reality.”

For more tips, check out my manifestation podcast episode with Hayley. There she also explains her personal manifestation stories…from gaining freelance clients to even meeting Nick Jonas! (And yep, you read that right.) You don’t want to miss this one. Listen to it on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.


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