5 Signs You’re Ready to Leave Corporate America

Leaving corporate America seems to be at the top of everyone’s mind lately. From exhausted, overworked and underpaid employees to telling Steve that his mic is still muted for the 100th time, a lot of people are fed up with the corporate lifestyle. If you’re here, I’m sure you’re one of them. If you’re constantly daydreaming of what life could look like free from the cubicle, this one is for you.

But before I begin, I want to make it known that not everyone has the financial freedom or lifestyle that allows them to up and leave a stable job. And for some, they prefer the structure of their full-time or part-time job. (Personally, I love having my full-time job in addition to this passion project of mine.)* If you’re reading this and you’re still yearning for what it could be like, start building your own business now and leave when the timing, money and lifestyle will support you and your dreams.

*Full disclaimer: I’m not leaving corporate America, but I know a lot of creatives who desire trying entrepreneurship, which inspired this blog post! The following signs are based on my podcast episode with Maggie Butler, conversations with my entrepreneur friends and some research of my own. They are not based on personal experiences.

5 Signs That You’re Ready to Leave Corporate America

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it may be your intuition nudging you to start your own business and leave corporate America for good.

You Want to Work on Your Own Projects

You’re constantly bored at work, but every time the clock strikes 5, you’re re-energized and ready to get to work on your passion projects. You want to be the one in charge of your workload. If every day feels like a chore at your job, it may be time to consider leaving corporate America.

Your Side Hustle Is Becoming a Full Time Job

This sign is major! If your side hustle is becoming a job itself, it may be time to start putting your time, money and energy elsewhere. (Especially if you’re making more money on your side hustle than your full-time job.) Personally, I believe this is the best situation to be in if you’re looking to leave corporate America.

You're Craving More Flexibility

Traditional office jobs don’t offer much flexibility. For most, you’re sat in a cubicle for 8 hours a day with only weekends and holidays off and about a week or two of paid vacation a year. That means no long vacations, spontaneous half days or any free time to do what you please with your time. Working your own hours offers you that freedom you’re looking for.

You’re Over Office Politics

Asskissing and ladderclimbing aren’t your cup of tea. You can’t stand watching others taking credit for someone else’s work. And you certainly hate getting caught in the middle of a gossip circle. Well I have some good news for you: If you work for yourself, you can kiss office politics goodbye.

You've Outgrown Your Current Role, But Don’t Want a Promotion

If you don’t want to move to the next rung on the corporate ladder, you may want to consider leaving corporate America, especially if you can’t see yourself anywhere else but starting your own business. Promote yourself to your desired title: Boss!

If you nodded your head along to this blog post, I think you’ll enjoy my latest podcast episode on leaving the 9 to 5 + becoming a digital nomad. There, I interviewed Maggie Butler, a freelance graphic designer and art director, who recently quit her full-time job to work for herself while she travels the country.


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